What Is Juneteenth?
@ 11:45 AM by Juneteenth Planning Committee,
@ 1:30 PM by Linda Salley, AAMBC,
and A Call to Action
@ 2:15 PM
by John Jordan, NAACP
A re-enactment of the reading of the Proclamation declaring freedom for all formerly enslaved African Americans on June 19th, 1865.
Scheduled three times throughout the event, supplemented by a brief overview around this historic day. You won't want to miss this important slice of history!
CHOIR and praise dancers
@12:15 PM Second Baptist Church of Doylestown
Treat your ears and eyes with choral performances from
the Second Baptist Choir, and the Praise Dancers.
History of
mt. gilead Church
@12:45 Pastor David Jackson
History behind one of the oldest Black churches in Bucks County,
which was also a stop on the Underground Railroad.
Musical Guest
Shalom Mukamuri
@1:00 PM
Acclaimed singer/songwriter Shalom Mukamuri takes the stage with his acoustic guitar and enhances the day with well celebrated Black anthems.
Dr. Monique Gary
on Black Health
@2:00 PM
Dr. Gary gives us an update and valuable information
on the state of Black health and general well-being.
Historically BlacK Fraternities & Sororities
@ 2:15 PM by Allyson Felder & Donte King
Learn how Historically Black Fraternities and Sororities have helped
define and shape the Black experience
DJ Tone Arm
@11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Enhancing the vibes of the Juneteenth experience is DJ Tone Arm.
Spinning the jams you know and love throughout the event.